Admissions ApplicationThis application does not assure final enrollment but does provide information upon which a final decision will be based. Hillsboro Christian School reserves the right to alter class selection based on final enrollment. Since records are filed separately, an application is needed for each student. NON DISCRIMINATION POLICY: Hillsboro Christian School has a racially non discriminatory policy and therefore shall not discriminate against members, applicants, students, and others on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastStudent NameApplication for Grade *Date of Birthdd/mm/yyyyGender *MaleFemaleAddress *Us Citizen *YesNoMother/Guardian *FirstLastFather/Guardian *FirstLastCurrent Home Phone *Current Cell Phone *Email *Emergency Contact Name (other than parent) *Doctors name and phone number *Mothers Employer *Work Phone *Fathers Employer *Work Phone *Self Employed *Was this student ever denied admission to a private or Christian school? YesNoIf so, why?Was this student ever suspended or expelled from school?YesNoIf so, when and why?Name of last school attended *Phone Number *Combined Income *Less than $18,000$18,000-$30,999$31,000-$49,999$50,000-$74,999$75,000+Do you owe tuition at any other Christian or private school? *YesNoIf so, please explain *Are there any reasons why you would be unable to pay your tuition on time? *YesNoIf so, please explain *Name of your bank *Church your family attends *Address *Denomination *Senior Pastor *Has your child accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior *YesNoUnsureHas your child been baptized? *YesNoIs your family active members of your church? (Attend at least 1 service per week) *YesNoAre you involved in any areas of ministry? *YesNoIf so, please explain *Why do you want to send your child to Hillsboro Christian School? *What are your childs greatest strengths? *What are your childs greatest needs in the following areas? *Spiritual *Behavioral *Social *Emotional *In what ways have you been of assistance in helping your child achieve academically? *Has your child experienced any behavioral, academic, physical, or emotional challenges that have required special services from a therapist, psychologist, medical doctor, or other specialist? *Is your child currently diagnosed with any learning or health deficiency? If yes, please explain *Has your child ever been involved with juvenile authorities? If yes, please explain *Student Questionnaire (to be completed by the student, grades 5-12)Have you ever used drugs, alcoholic beverages, or tobacco within the last 12 months? If yes, please explain *Have you ever had to appear in juvenile court? If yes, please explain *What is your favorite subjects? *What subjects will you need the most help with? *Why do you feel that you should be accepted as a student at Hillsboro Christian School? *What are some goals you have for your life? *Whose idea is it for you to attend Hillsboro Christian School? *What behaviors and attitudes will you have to work at changing to become a quality student at Hillsboro Christian School? *What one thing do you wish to avoid at Hillsboro Christian School that you were unable to avoid at your last school? *AffirmationI hereby affirm that all of the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information would be sufficient reason for the rejection of this application or suspension when found out. I further understand that I may be asked for additional written affirmation concerning such items as academic record and health records/Signature *Signature of student grades 5-12Signature *Signature of Father/Mother/GuardianSubmit